Monday, August 30, 2010


We went to Oregon for about 9 days and I wanted to share a few pictures of our time. It was beautiful there! Wonderful weather, crisp and clean. We spent a lot of time outside!

Mommy, Drew and uncle Danny

Peek a boo!

Grandma Brenda was babysitting so Drew got to do and have pretty much anything he wanted. He loved the popsicle!
See the two dogs to either side of Drew, Andrew loves to share!
Andrew like to "help"

We went to a few parks in Oregon, Andrew really learned how to slide by himself by the last trip. Drew enjoyed trying out all the cool things parks have to offer!
Andrew loved to crawl up the side, Daddy climbed right along with him
Drew loved to play with the dogs! They tolerated him and played with him some of the time. Both of these two were in a playing mood!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Watermelon and Weekend with Friends in Ft Worth

This past week we drove to Ft Worth to visit some friends of ours. Although it was REALLY HOT outside we enjoyed the Knapp's company. One evening we went to a park where there was a water feature. At first Andrew did not like the water spraying him in the face but then he got use to it and the boys had a lot of fun!

Mike, Tim and "Drew" playing Mario Cart. How cute are they!

Mike decided that Andrew could handle a massive piece of watermelon, Drew had so much fun with it! He was very sticky after, but it was worth it!